block universe, time, reincarnation, multiverse

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What is ‘reincarnation’?

Reincarnation is the belief that the soul, upon death of the body, comes back to earth in another body or form, which is the idea of ‘rebirth of the soul’ in a new body. According to original buddhist teaching, there is no death of a person, because people experience ‘reincarnation’ through the endless circle of birth, death and rebirth, the circle of transmigration. This is the too extremely religious and philosophical belief to write down in this blog but have you felt like that your life is on the completely decided script and you just spend the time along with the story which someone have described before? Maybe Deja Vu and synchronicity are the such things because there is ‘reincarnation’, or in science theory we could say the reason is because there is ‘block universe’.

Block universe

Do you think what is ‘block universe’? Block universe is the one theory that there are mixed up past, now, and future in one space, time arrow is not here. Everything is happening in same time, but we human just see those events by using consciousness and allocate the events to order the process. According to block universe theory, time is just an illusion. Time is relatively, and we may travel ‘time’ but we won’t ride on the machine or any vehicles. Time travel is just a story of relative world. If you believe in block universe, do you think our future is already decided? In my opinion, our lives are already decided in block universe, but in multiverse theory we can chose our behaviours in every single moments, so there is a paralleled world because of both theories.


The word of rest in peace, for yuko takeuchi.



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